The latest in the
West Virginia Public Defender Services Legends CLE Series
On June 6, 1979, a DC-6 cargo plane carrying tons of marijuana crashed into the hillside at what is now Yeager Airport. Several people were charged with crimes as a result.
Judge Robert B. King, 4th Circuit, moderator
J. Timothy DiPiero, Attorney, DiPiero Simmons McGinley & Bastress, PLLC
Rebecca A. Betts, Attorney, Kay Casto & Chaney
Jackie Hallinan, Attorney, who worked for the Charleston Gazette at the time of the crash
Gregory J. Campbell, Attorney, Campbell Law Office
John B. Carrico, Attorney, Carrico Law Offices LC
Mikal-Ellen Suzuki Bennett, Attorney, Kincaid and Associates, PLLC and author of The Politics of Pot
Jerome Lill, author of Final Approach
The panel will discuss the following issues surrounding the ensuing trial and what defense attorneys can learn from the presenters' experiences:
- changes in Federal policy
- changes in law concerning marijuana, generally and in WV
- disparate treatment of law enforcement defendants
- journalism surrounding the event and the trial
- prosecution and defense strategies and mistakes made
Date: March 25, 2022
Time: 1:30 - 3:30 PM
Approved for 1.2 CLE credits, free of charge.
Open to public defenders, panel attorneys, and support staff.